The Last Dance

It was dark, with a stink of lemon in the air.

Even the insects were tired of creaking.

The entire forest seems to be drawn towards the cradle of life

Cautious now, even the owl was silently hooting.


There was a spark,

an alluring haze of light,

Two divine creatures were rising;

From where the sweet grass lay last night.


As they began dancing,

Drawn by the perfect symphony of passion,

Moonlight sliding across their backs.

With wings of blue, gold and lilac.


The little blue butterfly crushed to dust,

While the rest remained cocooned,

Time had lapsed; her last dance had ended,

And a new creature was rising now.



I was graduating high-school, when I had written this poem; little had I known that I had already incepted the most important lesson, life had to offer. Over-dozed on National Geographic Channel, upset that my favorite butterfly only had a life-span of a week; I remember being amazed at how every butterfly still fluttered around so elegantly, making this world a happier place.

This morning as I woke up in bed, it was as though I was replacing the person who had decided to sleep there. I couldn’t go back and undo what had already been done, but there I was with the whole world in front of me. I had the power and the ability to undertake anything I wanted to. I was being given a chance to do things better, to dance like it was my last dance.

-Sonia Agarwal

Waiting For Superman

I want to tie together the collapsing glaciers

I want to save the corals from bleaching

I want the sparrows to nest a family in my backyard

I want to wake up to the childhood winds that flew my paper-planes.


I want the birds to lift their heads in pride

I want the fishes to not fear their food

I want the lions to have a territory to protect

I want the butterflies to have flowers to hover over.



I’m looking for the magic words,

But I don’t have the right ones.

I am looking for the convenient path,

But I am unaware of my choices.


I’m not jumping in

cause I’m too scared I’ll fall behind.

So, I’m waiting for Superman,

Knowing that there is no one coming.


-Sonia Agarwal


She stood there still with a posture that seemed too dignifying to most.

I didn’t know her- or maybe I did… it would be too harsh to call her a complete stranger. She was beautiful. Although I had seen nothing more than the corner of her cheekbone-I knew she was gorgeous- she had to be.

The peppermint winds lay low- for they were too scared to disturb her serenity. Gently yet playfully they tossed her curls. She stood there too engulfed –too indifferent to everything else.

What made her visit the shore every morning? Did she embrace the shore with an empty mind? Or was she there to unload her thoughts? Was she the armature to enjoy the celestial seascape or was she the troubled who came to trash her concerns? What was she thinking? I wish I knew. Something, even a ripple would do. But, I couldn’t ask her such bold questions, not for now at least.

I sat by the corner, with a few odd crows brooding over some lousy trout…sure the fishermen must have discarded those from the more promising lot. I had missed the fishing fleet; but I am certain she was there to see them dock.  

As I lay on a relatively clean clump of sand, I watched her glaze in the sun.  I felt my skin burn to charcoal… I knew I had to leave soon. She still stood there- as mysterious as one could be.  I didn’t mind waking up for her- I didn’t mind waking up for my sea!

This is for All those who  know what the sea is about! =)